Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Childlike Wonder

If you know me at all, you know that I absolutely love kids. They're one of my favorite things in the world. At least four out of seven days a week, I'm spending time with kids. They just blow me away. They say the funniest things, the sweetest things, and let's be honest, some of the weirdest things you'll ever hear. Out of the mouths of babes, right? :)

But the thing I love the most about kids is their awe and wonder for the world and for life. I think we could use a ton more of that. Kids get so excited about the smallest things, and don't take the beauty of this world for granted. They celebrate every victory, and rebound from every failure or mistake. They don't have to carry the weight of the world. They really know how to have fun, and find something fun out of every circumstance. Imagine if we did that in our own lives.

I'm not by any means saying we should go overboard with this. Life will still throw curve balls, we will still have stress, we will have bad days, we will be in a rush and not notice life's goodness all the time, we will take things for granted. Failure will hit us in the gut, and we might overlook victories sometimes. That's life. It happens. But we have the ability to try and take a second to change our attitudes. We can make an effort to appreciate the little things, celebrate the small victories, smile more, find something good or fun in every circumstance.

What if we treated the leaves changing colors around us like the crazy cool phenomenon they are?What if we got excited every time we got to see snow falling down? What if we ran and twirled outside in the rain instead of cursing it for ruining our plans? What if we cherished every hug or smile we got? What if we celebrated when we made it through a tough day? What if we got up and dusted ourselves off after a defeat, and have it renew our determination to succeed? What if we just stopped to appreciate all the great things we have in life?

All I'm saying is if we try to see the world through the eyes of a child, with their wonder and optimism, I guarantee our worlds would all be a little bit brighter.

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