Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's Not About Me

I have a confession to make... I have a tendency to be a selfish person. I think about myself more than I should. I put myself higher on my priority list than is necessary. I can kind of have a princess attitude sometimes. I'm not proud of it. Is it because of my age? Human nature? The world we live in? I don't know. And, honestly, it doesn't matter. They are all just excuses. What I do know? It's not about me. It never has been, never will be. And that's okay.

This life? Not mine. I was a prisoner,held down by the chains of sin, ransomed at such a high price. The King of All gave His life to save mine. The least I can do is live it for Him. Our lives are far too precious to be wasted on things that are solely for our benefit. Jesus came to serve, not be served. We need to have that same approach. I am not shining God's light and showing His love if I'm constantly preoccupied with me and my wants and being served. We are to take care of others, and love our neighbors as ourselves. Not to love others almost as much as ourselves, or take care of them when we have time. God didn't put qualifiers or stipulations on reaching out and loving people. He didn't say to do it when I feel like it. He didn't say to love people who love me, or help people who help me. He made it pretty clear what we are supposed to do. So let's go do it. And do it JOYFULLY.

Confession number two: I can be a Grumpy Gus more than I like to admit. It's so easy to have a bad attitude. It's easy to fall into the pit of attitude issues. And it's hard to get out. I get that. However, us being negative isn't gonna win anyone over or bless anyone.  We have been given such an awesome opportunity. We have the chance to bring a little bit of the Kingdom down on Earth through serving and loving and actions and words. It's such a privilege! Why not take advantage of it and enjoy it and give it our everything. And the reward is so great. God blesses our obedience and love, and plus, the joy that will fill you up is amazing.

I'm not saying to neglect yourself. If you don't take care of yourself, nobody else will. What I am saying is we should never pass up an opportunity to love someone else.

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