Monday, November 24, 2014

Girl Talk

I love spending time with young ladies, be it at church, work, tutoring, etc. They are so special to me. But my heart breaks for them. It breaks for the current generation of girls. There's so much pressure, so many mixed signals, so much confusion. So, I write this to all the beautiful young women who may come across my blog. To my nieces. To my students. These are the things I want you to know.

1. You're a Treasure
  You were made so special, handcrafted by the maker of the heavens and Earth. He took so much time on you. You are His masterpiece, His beloved, His work of art. And nothing can ever change that. I wish you could see yourself how I see you, and more importantly, see yourself through God's eyes. Because you are a sight to behold. You are a gem. You are so sacred, so precious, so priceless. And you always will be. Please never forget that. And please never let anyone tell you otherwise.

2. You're Beautiful
   It's true. You are truly a beauty! It doesn't matter how your hair looks, what clothes you wear, how many freckles you have, how big your feet are, if you have a few pimples. You are a one-of-a-kind, unique and have your own special and captivating beauty. You were made to shine. So rock your look, have confidence. You are spectacular.

3. True Beauty
   Can I let you in on a secret? Make up doesn't make you beautiful. I know you have heard the "beauty comes from within" bit. I know it sounds cliche. You know what else I know? It's totally true. Your beauty stems from  your character and who you really are. Good looks will fade, but a good heart will last.

4. Relationships
  Boys are a fun mystery. Talking to guys can be fun. Friendship with guys is fun. Relationships with guys can be fun. But, never let that come before your relationship with God. That relationship is the foundation of your life. If it's weak, everything else will start to crumble too.

5. Don't Compare Yourself
  People are like snowflakes. No two are the same. We are all made special and for a purpose. We aren't gonna all be good at the same thing. We aren't all gonna look the same. We aren't gonna act the same. And that's awesome! Instead of comparing yourself to others or wishing you looked like her, or had her hair, or her clothes, or anything like that, find out who YOU are. Put your energy in to finding your talents and your purpose. That's what will matter in the long run. Be content with what you have, and embrace who you are, darling. Love yourself, flaws and all.

6. Don't Be a Mean Girl
  Bullying has become an epidemic in our society. But you don't have to be part of that. The best thing we can do as girls is build each other up and make each other feel good. We are all facing the same struggles, and tearing someone down or bullying them doesn't make you better. Support each other, encourage each other, and be kind! It will go a long way. How you treat others says a lot about who you are.

7. Have Faith
 You're gonna have bad days. There's gonna be bumps in the road. And that's okay. I promise you, it isn't the end of the world. So, sweetheart, don't sweat the small stuff. It's not gonna matter in the long run. Have faith in yourself and faith in God. Keep your chin up. We're in this together :)

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